Skype: risolte le falle di sicurezza

Skype ha reso disponibile un aggiornamento, il, e la società raccomanda vivamente tutti gli utenti ad effettuare l’aggiornamento che risolve diversi bug del software.

La falla era stata scoperta da un ricercatore israeliano, Aviv Raff, e la vulnerabilità era stata denominata “cross-zone scripting bug“.

Secondo Raff questa vulnerabilità poteva essere usata da qualsiasi hacker per eseguire un codice dannoso sulla macchina del malcapitato.

Raff dichiarò: “Skype utilizza un controllo integrato in Microsoft Internet Explorer per il rendering di pagine HTML visualizzate internamente od esternamente al client VoIP. Il problema è che Skype opera nella modalità Intranet locale di Internet Explorer ed è noto come a questo livello il comportamento delle pagine web non venga in alcun modo limitato”.
Inoltre Raff ha individuato un’altra falla in SkypeFind.

Con questo aggiornamento l’azienda sembra aver risolto queste falle di sicurezza.

Questi i vari bugfix risolti:

  • Skype cross-zone scripting vulnerability;
  • Skype crashed sometimes when leaving groupchat;
  • Skype crashed when current Skypename field was empty;
  • Contacts were occasionally lost when synchronisation failed;
  • MySpace tab was not reachable via keyoard navigation;
  • Editing avatar resulted “Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window” error;
  • It was not possible to answer second incoming call;
  • Dynamic Content message overlaying contact list toolbar and group controls on reduced Skype window;
  • Check update web link was incorrect;
  • Call on hold image was wrongly displayed;
  • USB webcam plugged in while on call did not allow to start video;
  • It was not possible to open video settings panel while on video call;
  • Skype crashed sometimes when expanding chat history;
  • Presence were shown wrongly to conference call participants sometimes;
  • Incorrect message was shown when when sender cancelled file transfer;
  • Voice Mail greeting playes again when viewing profile;
  • Wrong flag was displayes for Democratic Republic of the Congo;
  • File Transfer relayed message was displayed after File Transfer had finished;
  • Language name for Belarusian was wrong.

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