
StartupBus 2015: presentazione del team FreedHome e dell'idea che il gruppo porta in viaggio tra Bologna e Colonia con spirito #thinkinprogress
StartupBus 2015: presentazione del team FreedHome e dell'idea che il gruppo porta in viaggio tra Bologna e Colonia con spirito #thinkinprogress


A huge number of households find themselves without guidance when a disability requires them to improve the design and layout of their homes.

FreedHome is an online service and helps makes your home safer, comfortable and accessible. Customers can request a project appraisal by specifying their condition they need to address, uploading house plans and photos, and choosing how many different evaluations they would like to receive.

Our specialists will provide a solution proposal, complete with a list of the needed changes, furniture and equipment. The customer then decides which proposal best suites their needs and budget and is put in contact with the choosen professional for executing the project.

Il team

Christian Campoli, Team Leader / Developer
Alberto Stella, Graphic Designer
Valentina Ferrari, Business (vedi intervista)
Carlo Sicoli, Business
Alessandra Graziosi, Business

Il team si è aggiudicato la sfida Italia vs Germania svoltasi ad Amsterdam alla vigilia della semifinale. In semifinale ha fatto infine propria l’opportunità di una incubazione a Monaco presso strutture Allianz.

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